Subject: Re: Can't get X to run (yet another !)
To: None <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/04/1998 12:39:31
On Mon, 4 May 98 03:26:37 -0000,
Jean Marie <> wrote:
> As I connect ro the Internet through a modem, and as phone is expensive
> in France, I thought xfont was not necessary...
So, did you download xfont set and the problem resolved itself?
> On an other hand, there are two things I want to know, and the new faq, I
> think, is not very clear :
> 1 - What files are different between NetBSD 1.3 and NetBSD 1.3.1 ?
> Because I don't want to get all of them, but you (or someone else) said
> that great improvements had been made regarding color.
Not really. Any of the official releases since 1.0 through 1.3.1 does
not contain real color support. 1.3.1 is a bug fix version of 1.3.
As for specific bugs that were fixed relative to 1.3, please refer to
release notes, etc. I'm not the best person to answer this question.
> 2 - What do I need to run X in color ?
As I said above, NetBSD does not officially support colors. However,
there are two ways you can do color on NetBSD:
1) Use Paul Goyette's SLOTMAN kernel - this experimental(?) kernel
loads ROM-resident driver off of your NuBus video card, and enables
user programs to call the ROM driver's functions. The functions
include changing pixel depth (i.e. number of colors) and CLUT (color
look-up table) operations. You should use one of the replacement
X server, depending on your objectives.
2) If you don't have NuBus video card but use the internal video only,
you can still run X in colors or gray scales - boot NetBSD in 8-bit or
16-bit color/gray mode, and run the X server code-named OSFA.
In the case 1), you can use either Xmac68k_color server or the OSFA
server. Both servers are intended to replace the server in xserver
set, and can be downloaded from:
There is README file corresponding to each server, so please read it
carefully before actually using it.
A brief description of the differences between the two color servers
would be:
* Xmac68k_color does only B&W and 8-bit PseudoColor,
* Xmac68k_OSFA does B&W, 4/8/16-bit color or grayscale, but
* Xmac68k_color is somewhat smaller than Xmac68k_OSFA thus may
be more suitable for machines with less memory.
Hope this helps,