Subject: Re: Apple Ethernet NB available.
To: None <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/29/1998 09:59:04
On Tue, 28 Apr 1998 15:55:17 -0700, (Mario Magliocco) wrote:
>      If anybody is looking to buy an ethernet card, I have a spare sitting 
>      around.  It is a Apple Ethernet NB Twisted-Pair Card.  It has the 
>      Sonic-T chip and I am pretty certain that it works with NetBSD.  You 
>      can have it shipped to you for 60$.  Manual and software included.

Not to keep you from selling the card, but I had to modify the sn
driver to get it to work on a IIci (I was close but I didn't get it to
work completely).  It has some problem becoming a bus master device, I
think.  The stock sn driver requires that the SONIC chip read/write
system memory as a bus master.

Naturally, considering that it doesn't work completely, my changes
didn't make it into the source tree.  They are probably sitting
somewhere in Scott or Allen's hard drive as well as in my hard drive.

You can take a look at the card to see if there is(are) some static
RAM chip(s).  If so, it's probably the same model I had trouble with.

I would be glad to hear that I was mistaken, though.
