Subject: Re: Ethernet card questions
To: port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jeffrey Ohlmann <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/27/1998 20:05:24
Thanks to the people who have responded with information. I've decided to
pass on the card, despite the nice price. Monkeying with extra adaptors,
special hubs, etc., doesn't appeal to me particularly. On the other hand,
shelling out 2 @ $75 for new Sonic PDS cards doesn't thrill me either, but
at least it's a known quantity.
An aside, however .... I have observed in the MacWarehouse catalog that
the graphic used for two of the four network card brands (Asante, Dayna,
Sonic, and Farllon) is (or appears to be) a PDS card. Considering that
PDS is the oldest interface, isn't it curious that it should be so
prominently featured? Or is it simply a matter of using an old, old
Jeffrey Ohlmann