Subject: Re: Ethernet card questions
To: port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Dan Thorson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/27/1998 16:48:38
Hi Jeffrey, I have something called (E.D.P. Equip) and on the other side 
it says
(B-4521 Transition Engineering, Inc. Edina, MN 55439) female BNC on one 
female TP on the other.  I assume that is what this gizmo is for.  I think
if NetBSD ever supports Kinetics/Excelan Nubus cards I will need it.  I 
6 ethernet cards and none of them work with ver. 1.3.  I'll trade you 
this thing for a 
supported card.  *grin*
Dan Thorson

>I have a semi-urgent question regarding ethernet cards...
>I have found a PDS ethernet card for dirt cheap, but it uses a BNC
>connector for thin ethernet.  The question is, does there exist any
>adapter to convert this connector to RJ45 for 10BaseT?  If so, how
>available is such a thing and at what price? 
>The issue is semi-urgent because I have to act very soon if I want to buy
>the thing, but if I don't get it it's not the end of the world.
>Jeffrey Ohlmann

 Dan Thorson