Subject: Re: Installer proposal...
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Nico van Eikema Hommes <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/15/1998 08:17:42
Hi All,
>Well, by now, everyone should be in agreement that there are more than
>24 timezones around the world, so most, if not all, of the
>/usr/share/zoneinfo/ files are necessary...
Still, I regret that I have to select "Berlin" instead of "Nuremberg" to
get the right timezone :-)
However, the original point (speed of the installer) remains unsolved.
How about a compromise for those platforms that don't yet have a native
installer: in addition to "base.tgz", provide a "minimal.tgz" which has
just enough to boot netbsd (single user would be sufficient) and untar
a cpin-ed base.tgz.
Best wishes,
Dr. N.J.R. van Eikema Hommes Computer-Chemie-Centrum Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg
Phone: +49-(0)9131-856532 Naegelsbachstr. 25
FAX: +49-(0)9131-856566 D-91052 Erlangen, Germany