Subject: Re: Sluggishness, part 2
To: None <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/14/1998 20:44:59
On Tue, 14 Apr 1998 00:28:42 -0400, (Amitai Schlair) wrote:
> I'm still having problems with my serial-consoled 1.3 box not responding to
> incoming requests. (IP filtering and NAT still works, just not services on
> the machine itself.) I pressed Interrupt and did a ps, and here's what I got
> (indented for reading at 80 columns):
> -----
> -----
> To my untrained and unaided eye, I see too many instances of inetd. (The
> httpd count is a bit high too, but reasonable considering my Apache setup
> and server load.) Weirdness in inetd would account for weirdness in
> inetd-managed services... but what sort of weirdness is this? I don't know
> how to track it down. The only bit of data I can determine is that the
> problem seems to arise after about 2 days of uptime.

You're not starting apache from inetd, are you?  Especially if you
have the option "nowait" for the httpd line in /etc/inetd.conf, it
might possibly cause a race condition and too many running daemon

Just a thought,
