Subject: Re: need help setting up user account--no faq exists!
To: Eric B. Krauss <>
From: Brad Salai <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/14/1998 08:57:49
Eric B. Krauss wrote:

> I have tried to no avail to set up my user account.
> I can't find anything in the NetBSD faq's on setting up a user account.  My
> Sobell Unix book isn't helpful at all--I follow the instructions, use vipw,
> and keep getting a line corrupted error, and vi won't let me save the file.
> I need step-by-step instructions, from logging on as root, on how to create
> an accoun t.  This would include anything preliminary, such as mounting the
> file system read-write, etc.
> Can someone point me to a page (a page that is actually UP, not the *dead*
> links mentioned in the faq) that has these instructions?  Or, could someone
> just write these instructions down and email them to me, or better yet, post
> them somewhere?
> This is turning into a major hassle . . .  way worse than DOS . . . I am
> thinking about ending my NetBSD "experiment" because it has been so
> exasperating .  .  . someone convince me I am wrong . . .

Don't give up quite yet, though you will have more exasperating experiences ;)

man 5 passwd   gives you the correct format for a line in the passwd file:

 The passwd files are files consisting of newline separated records, one
     per user, containing ten colon (``:'') separated fields.  These fields
     are as follows:

           name      User's login name.

           password  User's encrypted password.

           uid       User's id.

           gid       User's login group id.

           class     User's general classification (unused).

           change    Password change time.

           expire    Account expiration time.

           gecos     General information about the user.

           home_dir  User's home directory.

           shell     User's login shell.

Hcw  look at one of the existing lines, and this will make sense. Use * for the
password field, then change it later.

Here's what my line looks like:

bsalai:*:100:10:Brad Salai,Cumpston & Shaw,(716) 325 5553 ,(716) 377

btw, do you know Juan Arias? He went to wustl. We met him last week.


Brad Salai            
Cumpston & Shaw
Two State St.
Rochester, NY 14526