Subject: Re: IDE Support & How to find the base address ?
To: David A. Gatwood <>
From: Michael R Zucca <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/11/1998 21:57:07
> > I thought hfsutils had some sort of licensing restriction...
> I think it does, which is why my jaw dropped a good food when I saw what
> looks to be hfsutils embedded, essentially intact minus the main (ifdef'ed
> out) with a bunch of interface code.  I could be wrong, and it could be
> something totally different, but that's what it _looked_ like... and I'm
> pretty sure there was a copyright notice indicating portions of the code
> were from hfsutils, etc.  I'd be happy to email anybody interested a copy
> of the relevant files, if I can find them again.

I just had a look. They "get around" the licensing restriction by including
the code in a directory called "COPYLEFT". Very weak. Such shennanigans
could cause a picky person to declare the whole MkLinux Mach kernel as GPL'd
if I remember the terms GPL correctly.