Subject: xterm options; X publications?
To: port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jeffrey Ohlmann <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/07/1998 19:17:18
Is the scrollback option in xterm not really available? I have been
reading "man xterm" and trying various things in my .xinitrc but have yet
to get it to work. Here's an excerpt from my .xinitrc:
xterm -C -sb -rv -geometry 80x34+0+0 -name console
I have tried adding "-sl 64" but that changed nothing. I have the slider
visible on the left and the cursor changes to a vertical arrow when
positioned over the slider channel, but there is no scrollback.
Also: I'd like a good book on X in general. Any recommendations? The
only text I've seen is "The Joy of X", which looked okay to me (and has a
spiffy title).
Jeffrey Ohlmann