Subject: Re: VMS conventions/command line history
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: Dan Bell <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/27/1998 14:48:10
> You're using the wrong shell. You want to use tcsh or bash (csh and (I
> think) sh replacements). They both support that history ability.
tcsh is an enhanced csh, and it does offer this capability. bash (the Gnu
Bourne-Again SHell) is an enhanced superset of sh, and it also does what
you're looking for, as does zsh, an expanded Korn shell. My MacBSD box is
running a VERY old version, so I'm not sure what's part of the
distribution now, but all of these compile trivially on NetBSD.
Daniel Bell
Johns Hopkins University, CS Dept.