Subject: Re: Fastest NetBSD 68k computer?
To: Colin Wood <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/25/1998 11:15:38
> It kinda depends on what you mean by "fully", but the Quadra 840AV was the
> fastest 68k Macintosh made (a 40MHz '040) and it can use DMA (although we
> only support DMA for ethernet at the moment...SCSI is in progress I
> think).
> So, that would probably be the way to go if you want to pay that much for
> one (they're still relatively expensive...around $600 US from
> refurbishers, I think).

	840av _motherboards_ (refurfished) are available for $299 from:

though I have heard mixed reports about that company's reputation.

	There are also a few 840avs being auctioned at eBay:

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