Subject: Re: Color X
To: Paul Goyette <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/24/1998 08:57:13
> Yes - with Ken's new Xserver, you can run color on internal video.
> If you are using internal video, or if you are using non-ROM enabled
> nubus video, you MUST set up the booter to NOT change your video
> settings,

	Can't you use the Booter to change to the settings that you want
(e.g.  16bit/thousands of colours instead of B&W)?

	Or is there a bug that no-one has told me about?

>	 and you MUST use the MacOS Control Panel to set your video
> mode BEFORE you boot NetBSD.

	Except for resolution switching (which the Booter still doesn't do),
the Booter should behave pretty much the same as the Monitors Cont. Panel.

| Nigel Pearson, |"People say I'm strange, does it  |
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