Subject: X display tectonics
To: Port-mac68k <PORT-MAC68K@NetBSD.ORG>
From: T. Sean (Theo) Schulze <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/16/1998 15:11:38
Whenever I am running X under my own account and I su to root in one of =

the xterms, the left hand side of the screen shifts up one line.  The =

shifted section is about as wide as my system prompt, and there is a =

small one-line high bit of black and white at the bottom left-hand corner=

of the screen.  All the icons and windows lying on the "fault line" get =

shifted also, and I usually make the windows into icons or vice versa to =

get most everything back to looking like it should.  Generally, I have to=

do something to cause a screen redraw to make it go away completely.

I suspect what is happening is that somehow after I su, the new system =

prompt is getting partially printed to the display.  Does anyone else =

have this problem?  I don't see anything about this in the (April '97) =

FAQ.  Can I do something to make this stop, or should I just live with =

it?  I just noticed that even though xset has blanked the screen, when I =

telneted in and su'd, the blanked screen shifted.

System Info:
IIci running in 1.3 and the 1.3 X with 24MB RAM, 24MB swap on a Quantum =

Maverick 540MB hard drive.  I am running X in color using the lkm and =

color server.  I have an Apple High Resolution NUBUS board installed.  =

Kernel is GENERICSBC#56.

I don't think the system has much to do with it though, because I used to=

have this problem with the 1.2 ditribution too.



                 T. Sean (Theo) Schulze  

                      One world.