Subject: Re:re: don't log as root...
To: port-mac68k Mailing List <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mirel Slavuteanu <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/15/1998 08:28:24
I would come with a "neewbee" ideea:
What if some of the GURUs of the list would e-mail me some practical
hints & tips to may "assamble" a correct "First time user guide" to
BSD-Mac ? I mean in PLAIN english, as a Mac formated text with a clear
index & so on. Just a step by step instructions how to install, boot,
log in, use the basic commands etc.
I think the success of the BSD implementation reside as well in the
"penetration" of the above mentioned OS. For that purpose got to be
KNOWN and USED by new commers...


Mirel Liviu Slavuteanu (

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