Subject: A note about links into the FAQ
To: port-mac68k Mailing List <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/09/1998 18:46:23
I was just noticing something in a few HowTo's and other documents:  the
tendancy to link to a Q&A in the FAQ via the page and question number.
While linking to the page number is unavoidable as long as the FAQ is
structured as multiple pages in html, it is probably best to avoid linking
to the number of the Q&A to which you want to point.  The reason why this
is A Bad Idea is that I do from time to time _insert_ new Q&A's rather
than appending them to the end, and sometimes I move old Q&A's to another
place.  Since the number of each Q&A is generated from its relative order
in the file, this can change when I move things around.  However, each Q&A
does have a constant reference label which shouldn't ever change as long
as the question is around, but this label doesn't normally show up.
However, if you view the source for each page, you'll notice that each Q&A
has an <a name=""> label of the form X.X or X.XX where the X's are some
alphabetical letter.  The sections are lettered A through H, I believe,
and I start lettering the Q&A's with .A, and procede to .AA when it goes
past .Z (there are several sections with more than 26 Q&A's, so this was
necessary :-)

Anyway, I hope this has been somewhat informative ;-)

Thanks to everyone who has written NetBSD/mac68k-related documentation or
web pages.  Keep 'em coming.


Colin Wood                       
Component Design Engineer - MD6                 Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.