Subject: Re: What is Motif
To: Avatar , port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/28/1998 18:13:33
At 11:48 AM -0800 1/28/98, Avatar wrote:
>	For an unexperienced BSD'er what IS Motif?

One layer of the mess that X has become.

bottom layer X provides a "wire protocol" for sending graphics requests
over a network.

xlib provides basic programming interface to above from C.

xt provides C programming infrastructure to do OOP/GUI (Object Oriented
Programming/Grahpical User Interface) programming.  Fresco (if it's still
around) imitates xt functionality in C++ and provides a library of actual
graphical objects as well.

MOTIF provides a library of actual graphical objects using xt and is the
lowest layer that a real human programmer should consider dealing with.  It
also provides a window manager program which takes care of things like
title bars and letting a user move windows around.

AFAIK most real X programming these days is either done using a builder
tool that creates an application skeliton using e.g. MOTIF objects or using
prototyping tools like the tk library in tcl.

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