Subject: straaaaange
To: NetBSD/mac68k Mailing List <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: SamMaEl <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/26/1998 08:09:54
	Hey folks, I have an unusual problem. Well, things have been
chugging along normally for me, but tonight I was planning on finally
upgrading from 1.3_BETA to 1.3. I already had the files downloaded and I
was all set to go. Well, tonight I rebooted the system after it had been
up for about 2 weeks, and things were just fine. Then... I downloaded MI/X
and was playing around with that on one of my MacOS machines, with the
NetBSD machine supplying the xterms and the window manager. THAT went

	Well, I wanted to be able to use my .twmrc file for when my other
users ran xterms and stuff on the MacOS machine, so I copied my
/root/.xinitrc file to /home/sammael the home directory for my user
account. I also copied it to /etc/skel so when I created new users, they
would automatically have the files for use. The ONLY other thing I did was
I copied my binary sets over to my root partition. (they were sitting on
another partition, to save disk space on my root)

	Then, I started getting a message on the console from sendmail
complaining about a bad aliases database. I tried to run newaliases, but
it complained that it didn't have permission to open the file.
And then, my normal users could not login properly, because their csh
would not exec their .cshrc files properly on login. Also, the
uid/loginname mapping was screwed up too. (files showed up as
sammael:sammael when root did an ls -l, but when sammael did it, I got
1000:1000) I also could not enter my home directory at all.... sammael was
stuck in / and any other file systems that were readable by anyone.

	Has anyone else seen something like this happen? Right now I'm
doing the 1.3 upgrade, hoping this will fix it. I'm in the habit of using
su now, so having to log in as root all the time would/will be a pain. Not
to mention it could screw up my file permission scheme. (I have alot of
different files I have owned by different users, even though I'm the only
one that uses the system, generally... just a habit ;-))

	Btw... I've kind of lost track of -current lately... what are we
up to now, 1.3B?


	P.S. One site that I tried downloading MI/X off of had a "mirror"
of NetBSD/mac68k... but only had 1.1. I don't remember what the site was,
but I know if I was setting up NetBSD for the first time I'd want to
install the latest version... maybe someone should tell the operators of
that site (it was some site in germany or something... the first site I
found with a Mac version of MI/X, though I found the main one late ;-))

HELO... my name is rewt... you have SIGKILLed my father... prepare to vi!