Subject: porting xvfilemgr
To: MacBSD Newsletter <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: CTAPYXA <ctapyxa@UCSD.Edu>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/24/1998 11:01:37
There is a version of xvfilemgr 0.2d ALPHA available for OpenLook, with
binaries only for Linux. The source is also available, and I wonder what
would it take to port it to MacBSD? I've never done any porting, and would
like to see if someone who has experience might be interested in providing
me with advice and help along the way.
Thank you.
Yuri Oskotsky.
P.S. I do not particularly like xfm, and it doesn't fit well into OpenLook
from the esthaetic point of view 8-)