Subject: Re: tar files and such things...
To: Greg Evans <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/20/1998 17:14:00
On Tue, 20 Jan 1998, Greg Evans wrote:

> Bill, I guess what I want to do to be 100% EXACT is to be able to make a 
> .tgz file of _everything_ as I have it installed.  But since I don't have 
> enough room on my BSD partition to do this I was hoping for a simple way 
> to dump it on to my Mac Partition as it goes.
> I knew what I wanted but wasn't (am hoping this does) sure how to explain 
> it.

Then I think the tar czf - /stuff | hcopy -r - MacOS_Name  (I think the
syntax is right; hcopy certainly is happy w/ stdin/out, and I'm not sure
about the -r for raw mode) would be the best route.

Though I wouldn't bother, if you're going from one distribution to the
next (I.e. you can get back the old distribution). I'd suggest just saving
everything the etc.tgz fileset will overwrite.

True, this suggestion's not as easy for recovery. But if you're short of
disk space, you could just save what you changed. I usually don't change
the system binaries, but I do change the config files.

Take care,
