Subject: Re: tar files and such things...
To: Greg Evans <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/20/1998 14:32:52
On Mon, 19 Jan 1998, Greg Evans wrote:
> Hello,
> Was just wondering if it would be possible (see feasable) to amke a
> utility like say an..for lack of a better word..."uninstaller" heh.
> What I mean is that until I get more room on my NetBSD HD, I would like
> to be able to use the installer to say maybe use a command to tgz the
> entire install out to my Mac HD. I dunno, I don't know how to explain
> what I am meaning....I guess the best explanation would be something
> similar to cpin and cpout, maybe caller tgz_in and tgz_out or something
> so I could basically do the install in reverse...I am tired forgive my
> rambling..
A lot of folks have given you ideas on this. But I'm still wondering what
you want to do. What are you wanting to remove?
An "uninstaller" is generally just a smart rm command (modulo splicing
things out of config files).
You can just install the new distribution ontop of the old one. The only
things you'll then have to delete are a) a few programs in /sbin which
have moved to /usr/sbin (and which I think/hope are documented in the
upgrade notes), and b) copies of old shared libraries.
So basically, what are you afraid you can't do?
Take care,