Subject: Re: Fix idea for Quadra Monitor Problems
To: Michael R Zucca <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/20/1998 13:55:57
Michael R Zucca wrote:
> I recently had a little brainstorm about the Quadra "My system deosn't
> get a grf devices when I boot with such and such mointor" problem.
> Originally I thought it was a bad variable not getting set (and it still
> may be to some extent). However, if you look closely at the code
> you'll notice that Allen put in a little preliminary monitor
> sense code.
> That code isn't correct and should be removed. My guess is that the
> monitors in question leave the sense register at 0 and the code
> concludes there's no monitor and doesn't attach the grf device.
> The code's there in an attempt to provide "headless" support but I've
> got correct code in my Quadra driver I'm working on now. So you'll
> have to wait a little for correct monitor sensing :)
> I feel silly for not having thought of this earlier :)
> Could somebody please give this a try?
BTW, Scott currently has the MADHATTER patch in -current for the Q700
(since that's the only one he knew it would work on). So maybe that'll
help as well.
Colin Wood
Component Design Engineer - MD6 Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.