Subject: Re: Rebuild an X11 server
To: Arnaud Blanchard <>
From: Kevin Ogden <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/19/1998 21:56:34
>> I believe. It's quite large, but it includes the mac68k stuff. Where'd
>> you get the other file?
>Quite large ??? Too large for me :-(
>I got the other file, on a "xfree86-3.31" mirror site
> in France....
>But I think you can other mirror at
>Another thing : I saw that id software released the sources of
>linux-doom-1.10. I'm trying to get it working under NetBSD, without
>X11... But I got problem b/c I can't change CLUT.... Any Idea ??
The problem is that X under NetBSD/mac68k is not a port of XFree86, XFree86
is a port to x86-based UN!X's.