Subject: Re: tar files and such things...
To: SamMaEl , Greg Evans <>
From: Steve Quint <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/19/1998 14:47:26
At 7:54 AM -0800 1/19/98, SamMaEl wrote:

>	I think what he is asking is, is there or could there be a way to
>uninstall the system tarballs (base.tgz, comp.tgz etc.) That is, without
>having to go through and delete every file one at a time ;-) And, I think
>this could be a handy thing... but of course it would need to know what
>files are installed and where.

How about:

    tar ztf tarball.tgz | xargs rm -f

Of course, you need to be in the right base directory.


"Always ... always remember: Less is less. More is more. More is
better. And twice as much is good too. Not enough is bad. And too
much is never enough except when it's just about right."
			-- The Tick