Subject: Re: Colour X-windows on SE/30
To: Rodney M. Hopkins <>
From: Mark Andres <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/18/1998 00:19:06

I have a similar setup working so I will explain how mine works, Then I
will try and explain how you should set up yours.

My situation: I have three *BSD boxes connected via Ethernet. Here is a
snippet from my /etc/hosts file: ratbert bullwinkle bob

Bullwinkle is my main X server. It happens to be a IIcx running NetBSD it
could just as easily be an X server runnign under NT or MacOS.  On
Bullwinkle, I have added the following to my ~/.xinitrc file:

  xhost + inet:ratbert
  xhost + inet:bob

This means, whenever I start my X server on Bullwinkle, I am going to
allow X clients from Ratbert and Bob to run on the *display* of
Bullwinkle. In my ~/.cshrc on both Bob and Ratbert, I have the following

  setenv DISPLAY bullwinkle:0.0

Whenever I run an X client program on Ratbert or Bob, it is displayed on
Bullwinkle's monitor (my X server display).

Ratbert is a Centris 650 running NetBSD. Bob is an IBM Thinkpad running
FreeBSD. Note that X clients run on the *client* machine. Therefore, if I
am running a program on Bob (an i386 machine), I need to have the i386
version of that program running even though the *server* is mac68k. This
allows me to run the BSDI version of Netscape on the Thinkpad and still
display it on Bullwinkle.

Suggestion for running under MacOS or Windows 95/NT: You might want to try
MI/X. There are other X servers available such as eXodus, but MI/X is
*free*. I have used it under MacOS and it seemed to work OK. They have
both mac68k and ppc versions for MacoS users. The URL is:

Also, see some answers to specific questions below.

On Fri, 16 Jan 1998, Rodney M. Hopkins wrote:

> At 12:40 PM 1/16/98 -0500, you wrote:
> >As for doing it, why don't you go get some ethernet (on the PB,
> >SCSI-ethernet) and a cheapo hub (or even a 10bT crossover cable to directly
> >hook them up) and then be done with it!
> >
> >I have a Se/30 with 32megs and 1.3alpha here on the schools ethernet, and I
> >use Exceed on my Win95 machine to connect-- it works wonderfully.
> Sorry to butt-in on this discussion, but I've got some X-related questions
> that have been eating at me for a LONG time and this seems like the perfect
> opportunity to bring them up.
> Can you please tell me how you set up the configuration above?  The
> situation you've described above is almost EXACTLY what I want to be able
> to do.  I have a SE/30 and a Windows NT box on the same LAN and I'd like to
> be able to connect to the SE/30 using X from my NT box.  The problem is I
> don't know that much about X and so I've been very reluctant to set up X on
> the SE/30, because the darn thing is slow enough already.  I'm really not
> sure I want an X server running on the SE/30, but I'd sure like for it to
> be able to serve X client applications.  Do you know what I have to do in
> order to set up the SE/30 this way?
> Secondly, and here again is where my lack of knowledge of X comes in, how
> exactly does the connection you mentioned above work?  Meaning, do the
> X-client programs that I want to "run" off of the SE/30 on my X-server on
> the NT box have to be compiled for x86 architecture, or can (or must) they
> be compiled for 68k architecture or does it even matter?  The point of this
> question is, if I need to have X client programs compiled for x86
> architecture in order to "run" them off of my SE/30 on my NT box then the
> whole setup will be pretty worthless to me since I don't have an available
> x86 BSD box to compile X programs on.  If on the other hand, the X-client
> programs that reside on the SE/30 are compiled for 68k architecture and
> actually run on the SE/30 and the X software just transmits the graphical
> information back and forth between my NT box and the SE/30 then the whole
> situation becomes a lot more interesting to me.
> Also, one final question for all you X experts out there.  As I said, I
> have an SE/30.  It's has a Maccon ethernet card in it and 20M of RAM.  I
> have noticed a couple things that I think are weird.  When it boots, it
> recognizes my video on the nubus as grf0.  Shouldn't it recognize it as
> intvid instead?  Finally, I notice the ite0 device always comes up and says
> "not configured."  Is this a function of my not having X installed or do I
> have some deeper problem?

I believe the SE/30 is weird in that it treats internal video as if it
were Nubus video. Also, just because you see the "ite at grf0 not
configured" message does *NOT* mean that X will not run. I get it at
boot-time but X still runs fine for me.

   Mark Andres               E-mail:
          Running NetBSD, 100% Microsoft Free!
   Me & NetBSD: