Subject: Fwd: post-upgrade booting questions
To: Port-mac68k <PORT-MAC68K@NetBSD.ORG>
From: T. Sean (Theo) Schulze <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/17/1998 17:42:15
On 17 Jan 1998, blathered:

>As it turns out, my /etc-settings-angst was justified.  Somehow or =

>another I managed to disappear my account on the machine, and I can no =

>longer telnet in as root (or myself, because I lost my account).

Doh!  On further calm reflection I realized that of course I can't telnet=

in as root!  I am not supposed to be able to telnet in as root, because =

of the security problems I could have if I could.  I guess I might not =

have screwed this up as badly as I thought.



                 T. Sean (Theo) Schulze
                 Caught in the 'net at:                 =     or