Subject: Re: IIcx upgrade to 1.3, PPP and more
To: J R Gasser <>
From: Roger D. Linder <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/16/1998 11:10:03
At 9:57 AM -0800 1/16/98, Colin Wood wrote:
>J R Gasser wrote:
>> Like for many users 'shutdown' doesn't work cleanly for me.  However
>> 'halt' not only closes down the system nicely and then powers off the
>> computer, it also wakes it up a couple of seconds later and reboots.
>> I didn't see (late last night) a parameter to add to halt to get it to
>> NOT reboot, is there one and I missed something obvious.
>Wow, that's pretty screwy.  I've never had "halt" reboot on me...perhaps
>this is a symptom of the same problem.  It's possible that the 1.3 upgrade
>will fix this problem since the 1.3 kernel is a different size, and this
>seems to be a determining factor in whether or not this problem will
>affect you.

The IIcx, and other Mac models, have a power switch on the back that allows
you to turn it 90 degrees, effectively keeping it on all the time, so that
a machine that crashes can reboot in unattended mode (typical for a
server). I'd check that.

--  Roger D. Linder
    Calif. Dept. of Water Resources