Subject: Re: Colour X-windows on SE/30
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Simon Wardrop <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/16/1998 10:18:46
In reply to my question about using an X-terminal on a Power Mac, 
connected to NetBSD on an SE/30:

On 13/1/98 1:38 PM, wrote:

>I had a really easy time of doing ppp over a direct connect between my 
>SE/30 serial port and my Powerbook serial port. I just ran IP over it, 
>and it was fine. pretty fast too, for a serial connection. I'm pretty 
>sure that I pushed it at over 57.6k. I want to say that I broke the 128k 
>barrier, but I'm not sure.
>Anyway, what can an xterm do for you that telnet can't? 
>If you really want full X Windows, not just an xterm, MacX 2.0 is pretty 
>cool. It's around $150 though... I convinced my part time job to buy it 
>for me (instead of a sparcstation - it helps to have a good tradeoff 8-)

I really meant full X Windows running on the PM, with NetBSD running on 
the SE/30. Another list subscriber gave me the the full name of the free 
counterpart of MacX, from TNT, but i don't have his message on this 
machine.  (Thanks to the person involved!)

First some terminology. I seem to remember that in X parlance, a 
MacX-style terminal is called a 'server', and the UNIX-style machine is 
called the 'client'. I remember this, because it's the exact opposite of 
what I would have guessed.

So my real question is whether the SE/30 'client' can run a MacX-style 
server on the PM. Can this be done with a printer cable? Would the 
bandwidth be sufficient for full X-windows?

Thanks for all the suggestions. I've used UNIX quite a lot, but never as 
an administrator.

Sincerely, Simon Wardrop