Subject: Re: ae problems w/Farallon EtherMac
To: Gunnar Helliesen <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/14/1998 13:54:22
> Could this be a MI problem? I'm seeing these messages on my MicroVAX II
> running NetBSD/vax 1.2:
> qe0: ring overrun, resync'd by skipping 13
> qe0: ring overrun, resync'd by skipping 9
Those messages only shows up on DEQNA cards. I have never gotten it on
DELQA myself but I have heard about other people that have got it.
I think that it is a hardware bug that gives these, or something.
The DEQNA card is very slow and have a bad reputation, and IIRC
DEC stopped supporting those devices a long time ago and only
supported DELQA.
-- Ragge