Subject: Re: NetBSD benchmarking site?
To: Capt. Avram Dorfman <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/12/1998 16:45:51
Capt. Avram Dorfman wrote:
> A little while ago, someone wrote in w/ a URL for a site that had a
> benchmarking suite. He was also gathering benchmark stats for various
> NetBSD configurations (mostly Mac systems I believe).
> The url I had was For at
> least the last three days, I haven't been able to even get successful
> name lookups for "" I can't ping the nameservers listed for the
> domain.
> Anyone have any idea what's up? Does there happen to be another site for
> this NetBSD benchmarking stuff? Is Canada just burried under so much snow
> & ice that they can't get on the Internet? 8-)
>From what I was reading today in the news, most of Montreal is suffering
from power outage...supposedly 2 million people in that region of Canada
without power. If McGill is somewhere in that area, I wouldn't be
surprised to find them down for a while.
Colin Wood
Component Design Engineer - MD6 Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.