Subject: Programs for NetBSD & DT on Small Screens
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG,>
From: Alberto <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/12/1998 01:34:32
Hi, Alberto's back again!
I'll leave installing X for the moment. Now I'm interested in installing third
party software for the NetBSD. Is there any site from where would be possible to
download executables for NetBSD(like emacs and others)? Is it possible to
compile programs that belong to Linux distributions?
One more question: I know this one must have been asked milions of times..., but
how can I make Dt fit my 512*342 screen?
Why if I try to re-compile it, gcc says something like 'groksevid not found'
Thank you, and Please, reply to my mail. I'm not in the mailing list because
very soon I'll be back to the university and I won't have permanent internet