Subject: Re: Color X
To: Avatar <>
From: Mark Andres <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/11/1998 18:38:25

On Sat, 10 Jan 1998, Avatar wrote:

> 	I have Colin Wood's version of Color X up and running with only
> one minor problem. The colors make the display impossible to read. Text is
> is light yellow while the background is in a slightly off yellow. Window
> bars are in a pink and the text in a slightly darker pink.
> 	My question is: can I change colors?

Assuming that you are using a Nubus video card and either the SLOTMAN
kernel or the video-lkm, the answer is "yes". How, depeneds on your window
> 	Also - and I know this was discussed here before, but - are there
> any precompiled binaries of other window managers for NetBSD mac68k?

Yes, well actually compiled for Amiga, but they work fine on mac68k. The
URL is:

I am using fvwm-1.24l from those archives and it works fine. Also, be sure
to grab the libXpm file from there. I also believe that the Xpm library
and fvwm2 have been done up as packages.

   Mark Andres               E-mail:
          Running NetBSD, 100% Microsoft Free!
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