Subject: Re: hanging during reboot
To: Port-Mac68k Mailing List <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Hendrick <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/10/1998 19:51:49
On Sat, 10 Jan 1998, Mason Loring Bliss wrote:
> On 1/8/98, Mark Murdock wrote:
> > For the second issue, after recompiling a kernel from the 1.3 sources, I
> > can no longer reboot or properly shutdown my SE/30.
> This is a known problem, related to the size of your kernel. I've generally
> found that small kernels don't hang, while larger kernels *do* hang. If you
If this is the case, why does my SE/30 reboot properly with the 1.4mb
GENERIC-SBC kernel from the 1.3 distribution, but hang at the very end of
the reboot process with my 900k adb direct kernel? Recompiling to disable
adb direct results in proper reboot.
> I don't think your SE/30 will be able to handle really fast serial
> communication. I get a *lot* of
> zstty1: 1 silo overflow, 0 ibuf floods
> messages on my SE/30, and I've got relatively slow connections going... I
> have a 38400 baud connection to my 14.4K modem on one port, and a 19200
Under 1.2.1 I ran the serial port at 38400 without any _known_ problem,
but then again I don't think the previous serial driver reported fifo
overruns, only ring buffer problems.
(Michael Hendrick)