Subject: Re: Upgrading
To: Paul Goyette <>
From: Mark Andres <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/06/1998 13:12:14
I had actually tried that. I don't remember the exact error message now,
but vi should refused to run.
The more I think about it, the more I think it would be better to extract
the etc.tgz file into some safe place (maybe /root or /home) first and
edit the ~/etc/rc.conf file before you do anything else. Especially, for
newer users who may be upgrading a system for the first time, the pressure
and stress of upgrading may lead to mistakes. Being able to edit the
~/etc/rc.conf file in a familiar environment will probably be safer. It
comes as a shock to a vi person like me, but I have heard that there
are also people who don't know how to use vi. Gasp!
I guess I don't mind using a line editor like 'ed' whereas most people
probably would not like. I am used to it from my days administering a
system running Pick OS. Don't ask.
On Mon, 5 Jan 1998, Paul Goyette wrote:
> On Tue, 6 Jan 1998, Mark Andres wrote:
> > Now here is the problem. In single-user mode, you cannot use vi or pico
> > because they cannot find the TERM environmen variable. The only editor you
> > have available is 'ed' which is a line editor. So here is how you can use
> > 'ed' to make the changes in the /etc/rc.conf file.
> Well, here's how you can use vi to make the changes: at the shell
> prompt, type the command ``export TERM=vt100'' and voila now you can use
> vi!
Best wishes for the new year,
Mark Andres E-mail:
Running NetBSD, 100% Microsoft Free!
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