Subject: Re: Running from Jaz disks?
To: Coevoet Marc <>
From: Capt. Avram Dorfman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/04/1998 23:41:42
I'm having a lot of problems. First, I keep getting:
tar: can't write to u1/u1.tar : Input/output error
When I try to tar into the new disk. It doesn't happen often, but often
enough. Like 1 in 50 file writes fail this way.
Second, the console is spewing tons of these:
sd2(ncrscsi0:4:0) error code: 0
over and over again (much more often then the above error, possibly on
every write).
Finally, and most imporant (looking anyway) is this, which I get during
boot, and the first time I try to mount the disk:
sd2(ncrscsi0:4:0): illegal request, data= 33 90 01 32 c9 00 00 6d
b6 db 6d b6 db 6d b6 db 6d
sd2: could not mode sense (4): using fictitious geometry
I'd appreciate any advise anyone coudl give me.
Here's what I did to get here:
1) formated w/ silverlining
2) used silverlinging to manually give this disk a 100mb AUX/root, a 64mb
swap, a 20mb Mac partition, and an ~850mb AUX/usr
note that i did *not* pick one of the A/UX sets that has all that
stuff that it makes in addition to everything I wanted as above.
3) ran makefs on the root & user, with the defaults.
4) then I mount them in /tmp/jaz & /tmp/jaz/u1 using mount -t ufs /dev/sd2?
-Capt Avram Dorfman
Chief, Network Operations
(last resort email:
On Sun, 4 Jan 1998, Coevoet Marc wrote:
> > Has anyone tried mounting, or booting from a Jaz disk?
> Yes, I boot from jaz. Compile a lot etc.
> > Is it any different than using a regular hard disk?
> No. Just throw away all partitions that you are able to throw away.
> > Is it possible to eject Jaz disks on the fly?
> I'm not sure, right now the sytem is compiling binutils2.8,
> but it works for cdrom after umount.
> Just say eject /dev/<name>
> > Do you have to do anything special to set a Jaz disk up?
> No.
> BTW, if you have a Daystar@50Mhz, could you do
> a unix benchmark with/out the daystar?
> Please look for Benoit Martels website
> My colour classic gets 0.4 over-all, jaz vs hd does
> not make a big difference.
> Marc