Subject: Re: Static IP
To: Chris <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/04/1998 12:43:18
> Howdy folks,
> In previous weeks I've been able to use ppp with a Dyanmic IP perfectly.  
> However, sice I do werk at an ISP i decided to give myself a static ip.
> So, how would I go about using my IP with netbsd...  As far as ppp goes, 
> I wrote my own ppp-up scripts, and junk...I did not use any kit or 
> anything.

No change. Dynamic IP means two things: 1) ask the host for the IP, and
2) don't do stuff which requires a fixed IP.

As long as the at-ISP setup will tell you your IP address, you're fine.

You also can look at setting up dial-on-demand PPP.

Take care,
