Subject: Re: EtherNet cards for an SE/30?
To: Capt. Avram Dorfman <>
From: Monroe Williams <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/03/1998 17:56:25
At 5:45 PM -0800 12/29/97, Capt. Avram Dorfman wrote:
>I use the Asante MacCon+30 IET64. It's great - it has a 64kb on board 
>cache. It also has a lifetime warranty. I did actually have one go bad 
>after 2 years, and they replaced it w/ no questions asked. (I make no 
>claim that its failure was not caused by me mucking around inside the box)
>Mine has no coax port, it has 10bt and AUI. You'd need just a basic 
>coax tranceiver. I believe they *do* make one w/ a BNC connector too.

They do, or at least they used to.  I've got one with ThinNet and AUI 
ports, and it works great, even coexisting with a DiiMO 50mHz accelerator 
card.  I believe I got it from Cyberian Outpost (<>),
but I don't see the exact model I have in their current product listings.  
You could pay a little more for a card with all three media types (Bottom 
Line Online has one at
<>), or you
could get a card with an AUI port and an external AUI->Thin tranceiver. 

Good luck,
-- monroe