Subject: Re: Problems with SE30 and Generic Kernels >#48
To: Colin Wood <>
From: John Valdes <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/02/1998 00:27:11
Colin Wood writes:
> I just built a kernel from 1.3_BETA sources, and it appears to work just
> fine on my SE/30 (the ADB sources at least are current).  I'll try the
> latest GENERIC and see if it makes any difference, tho...

I built an essentially generic kernel (removing unneeded options and
devices) from the 1.3_BETA sources (from 12/27), and it still hung on
adb init.  After removing the MRG_ADB option and rebuilding, the
kernel now boots fine.

If it makes a difference, I do have a non-Apple keyboard, a KeyTronic
MacPro extended keyboard.  AFAIK, though, this keyboard is identical
to the Apple extended keyboard.
