Subject: serial stuff
To: port-mac68k Mailing List <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bert Koster <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/30/1997 00:00:35
Hello everone

I want to enter my BSD machine from another mac through a terminal 
emulation app.
As far as I understand it now, it should be very simple.
The only thing that's creating some confusion is what cable to use.
Am I correct in assuming, that the standard serial cable normaly used on 
the mac for local-talk is NOT the one to use (together with let's say 
apple kermittool or apple ADSP) in this context?
Instead I have to get/create a (special) NULLmodem cable? 


"Windows 95: bringing yesterdays power to todays computers."


Bert Koster