Subject: Re: New color X server available
To: Colin Wood <>
From: Mark Andres <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/29/1997 22:57:24
Hi Colin,

Are you sure you have the permissions set up properly? I am getting no
file found when I try to access the file directly and no directory found
when I just try to access up to /pub/NetBSD/contrib/ender.

I am looking forward to trying out the new color X server.


On Mon, 29 Dec 1997, Colin Wood wrote:

> I've managed to shove Ken Nakata's color X code into the current X
> distribution's server (thanks so much Ken for doing this in the first
> place and then making your code available!).  This server should be able
> to handle the NetBSD 1.3 X distribution without the complications of
> reconfiguring the fonts.  I'm using it right now, and it appears to be
> working just fine.  Please let me know if anyone has trouble with it.
> You can find the new server at:
> I'll try to find a better place for it later.
> The file is a gzipped tarfile which should work just fine with the
> Installer (it installs into ./usr/X11R6/bin/Xmac68k).
> Please note, this server does not in any way add extra functionality over
> the previous color X server other than that which is in the current
> monochrome X server (in other words, no, this won't give you color
> internal video support).
> I'll post the source code/diffs in a few days once I've had time to clean
> it up a bit (unless you want it sooner....just mail me).
> I hope people find this useful.

   Mark Andres               E-mail:
          Running NetBSD, 100% Microsoft Free!
   Me & NetBSD: