Subject: Re: faulty termcap/ncsa telnet?
To: Colin Wood <>
From: SamMaEl <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/28/1997 22:34:01
On Sun, 28 Dec 1997, Colin Wood wrote:

> I can see how this would be a problem, but why in the world are you
> writing code in pico?????  About the only thing pico is good for is as a
> mailer editor.  Try using vi or emacs (I like the syntax hilighting
> available in emacs, personally).

	Well, it's the first editor I ever learned to use ;-) It's easy
and there aren't alot of commands to remember. Plus, it's the editor that
pine uses, and I've been using pine for email longer than I've been
potty-trained. But, maybe someday I'll give up on pico when it exceeds the
needs I have in an editor... which it's done a few times, but I'm just
lazy ;-))

	But hey... it's better than ed ;-)


HELO... my name is rewt... you have SIGKILLed my father... prepare to vi!