Subject: Re: Serial Terminal
To: Bert Koster" , "port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robert Nestor <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/25/1997 19:07:29
Bert Koster <> wrote:

>I was wondering about the same thing, with the difference that I have a 
>Macintosh LCII which is the server and a macintosh Performa 5200 as the 
>I came as far as that I figured out (together with a hint from Nikolai 
>Vladychevski) how to  go about it with 'pppd'. But at this point, whatever 
>I try I still get the message peer authhentication required but no 
>suitable secrets found.
>I looked under /etc/ppp directory, but no peers....
>Does anybody know? Is this maybe a small difference between NetBSD and 
>OpenBSD (2.2)???

On the MacOS side (using OT/PPP) specify that you want to logon using the 
Terminal WIndow. If your cable is set up correctly and you have a getty 
running on the port on the NetBSD side you'll see the NetBSD login prompt 
when OT/PPP brings up the terminal window. You may need to enter a 
Carriage Return first.  Logon to the NetBSD system using the account you 
want to run PPP from. When the login completes enter the command "pppd 
netbsd-ip:macos-ip" where netbsd-ip is the IP address you've assigned to 
the NetBSD system and macos-ip is the IP address assigned to the MacOS 

This is the simplest way of bring up the ppp link between the two 
systems.  It's also possible to run pppd on the NetBSD port beforehand 
but you'll need to do a lot more setup of the user accounts and such.  
You won't need to build the pap-secrets file unless you attempt to login 
from MacOS without the Terminal Window or a Login Script. If neither are 
used OT/PPP will default to using PAP Authentication which requires the 
pap-secrets file.
