Subject: Re: Some newbie questions
To: Peter Koch <>
From: Vincent BARAT <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/22/1997 14:54:29
Peter Koch wrote:

> Hi!
> 1. I use MacOS 7.5.5 to boot up. It is installed on a second disk.
>    NetBSD lives on the first disk. But the Booter (1.11.1) does not
>    come to the point, where the screen clears and the kernel starts,
>    but hangs. The only workaround is to hold down the Shift-key and
>    disable the Extensions completely.
>    Of course, this means, that i can't type "reboot" remotely.
>    Is there any way to get rid of MacOS completely? Boot NetBSD
>    directly? Has someone tried this?

You must have virtual memory turned off (and Ramdoubler too). You can't get
rid ofMacOS completely but you could install a minimal version of MacOS on
your hard drive
and put the NetBSD booter in the "Startup Items" folder of this minimal MacOS.

A minimal MacOS will not use virtual memory, so you will be able to boot

To do a minimal MacOS, just create a "System Folder" and pick the system file
and the finder file.

Personnaly, I have a MacOS disk (full of stuff) and a NetBSD disk with a small
partition (30 Mo)
on which I've installed a minimal MacOS and the NetBSD booter : to make NetBSD
auto boot,
I've just to change the startup disk with the appropriate control pannel.

> 2. There and then, NetBSD shows a SCSI-error on the console. The
>    messages are quite frequent, if the machine accesses the disk
>    a lot. The messages vary, but the last line always reads:
>         unexpected phase change.
>    Last evening, the machine crashed into the debugger after
>    such a message. It had an uptime of 7 days then.

Maybe using the SBC kernel will fix your problem...

> 3. NetBSD-1.3 is WAY slower on the Mac than on a Sun3. My IIvx
>    does have a 68030 at 33 MHz and 8 MB of memory, but my two
>    Sun3's (one 68030 at 24 MHz, one 68020 at 20 MHz) are MUCH
>    more zippier. Ok, they have 12 MB of memory, but does this
>    explain such a vast slowdown?
>    Or is the Mac hardware THAT BAD?
>    I can't believe my benchmark results... The Mac is slower,
>    even on CPU-intensive jobs?!?

I hope you are using the same compiler, with the same options ? What bencmarks
do you use ?

Vincent BARAT

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