Subject: It's hard to work with Apple 16'' !
To: Port Mac68k NetBSD <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Vincent BARAT <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/18/1997 08:34:10
Hi !

I'm trying to make X11 work with my 16'' monitor on my Centris 650.
I have a Nubus Apple HiRes video card and an internal video card.
I also have the last current kernel and the last slotman kernel.

I have tried all possible combinations :

current kernel + internal video : console works but X11 don't
current kernel + nubus video : console works but X11 don't
slotman kernel + nubus video : NetBSD fails to boot (this problem already
slotman kernel + internal video : NetBSD fails to boot

What could I try now ?

Vincent BARAT

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