Subject: rc.conf etc
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Peter Abrahamsen <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/16/1997 16:54:30

This is probably a FAQ - is there an archive of them somewhere? the Meta-FAQ
for linux-ppc is really good, but I don't remember seeing anything similar for
I just reinstalled netbsd for the 16 bazillionth time, and I ran into a
problem (using the latest 12/13 1.3 snapshot, and accompanying standard
kernel) upon booting. It demands that I configure /etc/rc.conf. I have looked
this over, and edited it (having to learn vi in the process as yall forgot to
put in a worthwhile editor (read: joe)), but it still states that my rc.conf
file needs to be edited and refuses to boot in multiuser mode until I have
done so. I assume that this is something fairly basic I am doing wrong...

Also, has anyone compiled bash 2.01 for netbsd/mac68k yet? that'd just make my
day... And if anyone has joe, I'd loveya to death... :)



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