Subject: Modem probs/other unix's?
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mike Matz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/15/1997 23:03:09
I am still having probs with my modem and NetBSD 1.3, but I don't think
they are as easily solvable as getting a new script.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if my modem's /dev/tty00, this command should
reset the line:
echo atz^M > /dev/tty00
(the ^M for the return)

Yes, I know it should, because it does.  However, if I would do this
command 5 times in a row, (or, say, five "ath0^M") only every other one
would go through.  This seems to be part of the problem.  The other problem
is that _every_ time I try an atdt command, it will _not_ go through.
echo atdt123456789^M > /dev/tty00
This should pick up and dial 123456789, but the modem is not touched.  In
fact, the command will stall NetBSD only to be fixed by ^C.
This may be related to the problem with pppd, in which pppd turns off
promptly after running a script.  The command:
used to work (once, at least :), and start up pppd, which would remain
active.  using the command
ps -xua
you could see pppd working.  However, when I run the /etc/ppp/ppp-up script
now (unchanged), there is no pppd to be found.  I believe this is very
likely because of the prob w/
echo atdt* ^M > /dev/tty00
Any help on the matter? Please private email to
  (unfortunately, I don't have time to sort through the 30 mesages of
today, and I can't offer help to ppl on the list anyway, so I decided to

On a further note, my LC520 (68030, 25mhz) seems to be far too slow to
compile programs.. On compiling ircII, everything went fine in the hour
that it took.  When I tried compiling other programs, however, things did
not run smoothly and I got many errors.  I don't have the time/energy to
compile everything for myself on NetBSD, so I was wondering if there are
any other more compatible UNIX's out there that will run on my LC520 68030.
I know this is a bad question for this list, and I do appreciate all the
help everyone's been, and how great it was the NetBSD actually ran on my
computer, but I may need something else.

Thanks for the time, people :)

Mike matz