Subject: Re: grf-devices with dt
To: Rodney Myrup <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/15/1997 14:55:11
Rodney Myrup wrote:
> I have NetBSD 1.2 (standard) on my IIvx.  A video card. Terminal was
> vt220, lines unset, and was in 1bit mode.  But when i run dt it says no
> usadble grf-devices.  Could someone please help me.

What does the line starting with "grf" say?  Does it say something like
"grf not configured" or does it say "grf0 at intvid0...."?  Also, do you
in fact have a /dev/grf0 and /dev/grf1?  (You should probably have both,
if not up to /dev/grf2).

You might also try NetBSD 1.3 when it is released in a week or so.

A little more info and maybe we can figure this out.


Colin Wood                       
Component Design Engineer - MD6                 Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.