Subject: computers hanging at ttyflags during boot
To: port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/12/1997 17:30:05

A number of folks have reported their macs hang at the ttyflags
command during boot. I'd like to try and get all the info together
to see what's wrong. If you have such a problem, please
Email me:

1) What kind of computer you have

2) The last kernel which worked (brownie points to the person who
mentions when that kernel was compiled)

3) a stack trace while hung.

To get a trace, hit the debugger switch and type 't' and then return.
You don't need to write down all the hex codes, but I do need the
function names.

They should look something like

zsc_intr_hard(stuff) + stuff

Well, the names probably will be different, but I hope that gets the
idea across.

Also, please let me know if you can compile kernels.

My computer doesn't do this, so I'm going to have a hard time debugging it.
I need your help to debug it all.

Take care,
