Subject: Centris 650 + Apple 16' with X11 doesn't work ?
To: Port Mac68k NetBSD <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Vincent BARAT <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/11/1997 10:27:02
Hello folks !
I have a Centris 650 on which I installed current kernel #50.
Formerly, I had a 14' Apple display (plugged on internal video) and B/W
X11 was worked well with it...
I've just changed my monitor to a 16' Apple display (plugged on internal
video) and X11
doesn't want to start (...can't start with no screen...). The graphic
device is not recognized by
the kernel.
Is there a fix for that ?
I have a nubus video card comming with the 16' monitor (Apple HiRes
Video Card). Do you
think using this card instead of the internal video will fix the problem
? Do you think that with this card
I will be able to start color X11 ?
Thanks a lot !
Vincent BARAT
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