Subject: more Q605...
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: wb2oyc <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/10/1997 22:20:13
Well, here's more regarding the Quad 605 and various kernels.
I decided to try Generic 47 since other messages seemed to
suggest it may actually boot successfully using booter 1.11.1.
It does! Not without some faults, but it does boot successfully
into multi-user and I actually was able to login and do some
things. On the 1st attempt, mount seg faulted, vmstat fails due
to symbol problems (_dk something or other), etc. On the 2nd
attempt the boot was clean I think. Cool!
I also tried Generic 52 which generates "panic:setrunqueue" and
drops into debugger.
This seems quite similar to others experiences that have been
posted recently regarding kernels later than Generic 47 breaking
on various models, which is basically why I thought I'd try that
one myself to see what happened.
To summarize: Generic 47 boots (date 11-1)
SLOTMAN fails (date 11-15)
Generic 52 fails (date 12-6)
SLOTMAN fails (date 12-10)
Thanks to Nigel's suggestion and the video hack in Booter 1.11.1
I could at least try these without using a serial console.