Subject: NetBSD/mac68k: prob- LC520
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mike Matz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/09/1997 23:35:35
Hello, I (obviously) am new to this list. I hope that command will
subscribe me. I am having a problem instsalling NetBSD 1.2.1 on my 68030
Macintosh LC520. The system I am running is completely stock; 8 megs RAM,
_NO_ FPU (this could be the reason, but people told me that I should be
able to either way.. these people are from #netbsd on EfNet), and nothing
else additional except a SCSI Zip drive.
What I did:
I partitioned the drive (hard drive, SCSI ID 0) to a 40 meg Mac, 16 meg
swap, and the rest (about 110 meg) root&usr. (The hard drive is a little
over 150 meg)
I ran Mkfs on the root&usr partition, and accidentally before reading onto
the swap partition. (the documentation made it sound like this wouldn't
really matter anyway)
I installed base12, netbsd12, and all the other binaries except the games
and security. (Takes quite a while on this little computer)
I ran 'build devices' and all went well
I started up the booter, changed the SCSI ID to 0, and tried booting. (made
me turn off RAM doubler, but after that..) It gave "normal" messages I
would guess, and the screen changed. For about 3/4 of a screen, there were
"normal" messages on the screen as though it was booting. Then there
seemed to have been a trap, and it kept on displaying some error w/ an
instruction to the processor, and didn't stop until the power was shut off.
I am assuming this is because it tried to access the FPU that is not there,
but, as I said, people have told me that I can run NetBSD on my machine w/o
an FPU. Please help me, either by mailing
privately or responding, but I'm not sure that my subscription was correct.
Thanks for your time.
Mike Matz